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Thursday 9 August 2012

Chapter 14

  1. When he lands in the Mississippi River, what does Percy realize that amazes him? The impact on the water didn't hurt, and that he doesn't feel the chimeras poison, he was breathing, and he is perfectly dry!
  2. Why does Percy feel ashamed that Poseidon saved him?  He couldn't save the people and he didn't stand a chance against the chimera
  3. What message does the woman in the water bring to Percy? What is her warning? To go to the beach in santa monica. The warning is do not trust the gifts.
  4. What does Percy learn by overhearing the reporters outside the Arch? The family and the park rangers might be alive.
  5. What happened to the family that was in the Arch with Percy? They got out alive. :) The mother got out alive but injured and everyone thinks they are crazy! :)

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